National Association of Epilepsy Centers

Partner Organizations

VA Epilepsy Centers

VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence The VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence (ECoE) are a network of 16 sites that provide comprehensive epilepsy evaluation and care for Veterans with seizure disorders. To improve the care of Veterans nationwide, ECoE partner with a consortium of VA physicians, nurses, therapists, pharmacists [...]

August 12, 2024|Partner Organizations, Patient Resources|

National Institutes of Health

National Institutes of Health Epilepsy Program The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Epilepsy Program at the NIH Clinical Center works with patients who have seizures or suspected seizures. Program research protocols include clinical evaluation, experimental drug studies, neuroimaging, magnetoencephalography, and surgical evaluation. Patients interested in participating should contact [...]

June 3, 2024|Partner Organizations, Patient Resources|
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