National Institutes of Health
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National Institutes of Health Epilepsy Program
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Epilepsy Program at the NIH Clinical Center works with patients who have seizures or suspected seizures. Program research protocols include clinical evaluation, experimental drug studies, neuroimaging, magnetoencephalography, and surgical evaluation. Patients interested in participating should contact the program coordinators by phone or email. Patients are first screened by phone and then, may be asked to have an initial clinical visit to discuss study details. There is no charge for evaluation or treatment at NIH, including clinical evaluation, video-EEG monitoring, invasive electrode studies, and epilepsy surgery. Patients living anywhere in world are eligible to participate.

Program Coordinator:
Ms. Aaliyah Hamidullah Thiam
General Contact Information:
NIH Clinical Center
10 Center Drive, Building 10, MSC 1404
Bethesda MD 20892
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