Federal Epilepsy Programs

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CDC Epilepsy Program

The CDC Epilepsy Program provides a wealth of information about epilepsy, facts and statistics about epilepsy, first aid for seizures, and health and safety concerns for people living with epilepsy or seizures. The CDC also leads the Managing Epilepsy Well (MEW) network, which is group of U.S. academic research centers advancing epilepsy self-management through research, evaluation, and programs. MEW has a number of programs to help people with epilepsy overcome common challenges, like staying on track with medications and appointments, managing stress, dealing with memory programs and stigma, and others.  Learn more at: www.cdc.gov/epilepsy.

National Institute of Neurological disorders and Stroke

NIH Epilepsy Clinic

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Epilepsy Clinic provides inpatient and outpatient evaluation and treatment of patients with epilepsy, as well as screening patients for participation in ongoing epilepsy-related protocols within the NIH Intramural Program. The primary focus is on patients with poorly controlled or drug resistant seizures. The Clinic supports multiple ongoing research protocols that focus on offering novel diagnostic testing and medical therapies, providing surgical evaluation and treatment, and furthering our understanding of epilepsy and cognition. Learn more at: https://research.ninds.nih.gov/patients/epilepsy-clinic.

Department of Veterans Affairs Epilepsy Centers of Excellence

VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence

The VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence (ECoE) are a network of 16 sites that provide comprehensive epilepsy evaluation and care for Veterans with seizure disorders. To improve the care of Veterans nationwide, ECoE partner with a consortium of VA physicians, nurses, therapists, pharmacists and other allied healthcare providers with interest and expertise in improving the health and well-being of Veteran patients with epilepsy. For more information about the VHA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence visit the website: www.epilepsy.va.gov.