For pediatric centers, are there certain criteria for the VEEG patient report for the patient under 24 months of age, such as duration, recorded seizure, abnormal EEG?
There are no specific criteria for the VEEG report to be submitted for pediatric patients younger than 24 months of age. Please select the other VEEG report studies being submitted from the same month.
Can the VEEG reports required for accreditation be for any continuous VEEGs, or do they have to be from an EMU admission?
For all centers, the VEEG reports submitted for full accreditation must be for a patient admitted to an EMU bed and managed by the EMU team.
How should EMU admissions be counted for the center annual report?
For this question, NAEC is seeking the number of patients admitted to the EMU in the past calendar year. All patients admitted to the EMU for diagnosis or evaluation of epilepsy, seizures or spells, and/or evaluation for epilepsy surgery can be counted. Centers can count EMU admissions from the [...]
Does NAEC have sample protocols I may use when developing protocols for my center?
Yes! NAEC has published several de-identified protocols that were submitted by NAEC member centers. Centers are welcome to use these examples when developing these policies for their own centers. You may access the sample protocols on the Accreditation Tools page.
How can I ensure that my patient reports are properly de-identified and satisfy HIPAA before I submit them to NAEC?
All patient reports submitted to NAEC must be properly de-identified. Centers will be notified if any protected health information (PHI) is found in a report and centers will be required to properly de-identify and resubmit all reports before their accreditation application can be processed. If your center does not [...]
Where can I find more information about the 2025 accreditation process?
More information is available on the Accreditation page under Steps for Accreditation. The Accreditation criteria for 2025 will be released in November 2024. The 2024 criteria can be found here.
What is the timeline for the 2025 accreditation process?
October 2024: Invoices for 2025 dues sent. November 2024: NAEC 2025 Accreditation Process begins: Center Annual Report and open for submissions. January 2025: Webinars and NAEC Annual Meeting presentations to explain criteria and process. January 31, 2025: Deadline for completion of Annual Report, uploading of documents, and dues [...]
My center has ABRET LTM EM+ accreditation. How does this affect the NAEC accreditation process?
Centers with LAB-LTM-Epilepsy Monitoring+ accreditation should indicate this on their Center Annual Report. These centers are not required to upload scalp or intracranial video EEG reports to
Our center received two-year accreditation. Do we have to submit any documentation after the first year of this two-year period?
Centers with full two-year accreditation must pay their annual dues and submit the Center's Annual Report during the interim year. A center that does not pay membership dues nor submit the Center Annual Report during the interim year will lose its accreditation, will be removed from the NAEC on-line [...]
What information can we include on our website regarding our center’s accreditation status?
Accredited centers are welcome to indicate on their website that the center is NAEC accredited and may place the level-specific accreditation badge on the center's website and marketing materials. NAEC's center accreditation notification letter includes the relevant phrasing and appropriate badge for your center. Please contact NAEC at [...]