Accreditation Process and Logistics
Does NAEC plan to audit centers on 24/7 monitoring of EMU patients?
NAEC does not currently perform on-site audits but may require additional documentation for verification. The Center Medical Director must attest to the truthfulness of all information provided to NAEC for accreditation. NAEC investigates complaints and reports of centers not meeting requirements for accreditation.
Does NAEC have sample protocols I may use when developing protocols for my center?
Yes! NAEC has published several de-identified protocols that were submitted by NAEC member centers. Centers are welcome to use these examples when developing these policies for their own centers. You may access the sample protocols on the Accreditation Tools page.
How can I ensure that my patient reports are properly de-identified and satisfy HIPAA before I submit them to NAEC?
All patient reports submitted to NAEC must be properly de-identified. Centers will be notified if any protected health information (PHI) is found in a report and centers will be required to properly de-identify and resubmit all reports before their accreditation application can be processed. If your center does not [...]
Where can I find more information about the 2025 accreditation process?
More information is available on the Accreditation page under Steps for Accreditation. The Accreditation criteria for 2025 will be released in November 2024. The 2024 criteria can be found here.
What is the timeline for the 2025 accreditation process?
October 2024: Invoices for 2025 dues sent. November 2024: NAEC 2025 Accreditation Process begins: Center Annual Report and open for submissions. January 2025: Webinars and NAEC Annual Meeting presentations to explain criteria and process. January 31, 2025: Deadline for completion of Annual Report, uploading of documents, and dues [...]
My center has ABRET LTM EM+ accreditation. How does this affect the NAEC accreditation process?
Centers with LAB-LTM-Epilepsy Monitoring+ accreditation should indicate this on their Center Annual Report. These centers are not required to upload scalp or intracranial video EEG reports to
Our center received two-year accreditation. Do we have to submit any documentation after the first year of this two-year period?
Centers with full two-year accreditation must pay their annual dues and submit the Center's Annual Report during the interim year. A center that does not pay membership dues nor submit the Center Annual Report during the interim year will lose its accreditation, will be removed from the NAEC on-line [...]
When can a center reapply for accreditation if it looses its accreditation?
NAEC reviews specialized epilepsy centers for accreditation once a year. Please contact NAEC at for more information on reapplying for accreditation.
Our center is currently accredited as a level 3 center. How do we apply to become a level 4 center?
A level 3 center can apply for level 4 center accreditation by completing the full accreditation process for the year. Provide all of the required documentation for a level 4 center and attest that your center meets the criteria for a level 4 center when you complete the Center [...]
What is the fee associated with the accreditation process?
There is no separate accreditation fee. The NAEC membership dues of $2000 must be paid annually by all centers. Dues must be paid each year, even for centers with two-year accreditation who are not completing the full accreditation process.