NAEC/AES Session on New Long Term EEG Codes

Published On: December 10, 2019Categories: Center Resources, Coding & Reimbursement, NAEC Activities, Policy Analysis, Webinars

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NAEC/AES Session on New Long Term EEG Codes

NAEC and AES Members were eager to learn the details of the new long-term EEG coding structure for 2020 at the Coding Session sponsored by both organizations during the AES Conference in Baltimore, MD.  The information presented by Drs. Nathan Fountain, Gregory Barkley, Marc Nuwer, and Susan Herman covered the history, reasons, and process  for the coding changes, the new coding structure and Medicare values/payment, case studies showing how to use the new codes and next steps for the medical societies.  A copy of the slide set can be found on here.

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