Accreditation Process and Logistics
If my center is already accredited by NAEC do I need to upload updated CVs for each full accreditation application?
There is no need to submit updated CVs if your Medical Director, second epileptologist, neurosurgeon, and neuropsychologist have not changed. However, if you have hired new personnel you will need to upload his/her CV.
Do EMU Caring certificates expire?
While NAEC encourages different center personnel to complete EMU Caring, the EMU Caring certificate does not expire. Once completed, you do not have to retake the course.
I am not ready to submit a final version of my Center Annual Report. Is it possible to save my work so I can complete the report at a later date?
To save information in the Center Annual Report click all the way to the last page, enter in some placeholder text in the “Medical Director Signature” field, and click save. As long as you select “Not complete, still working on it,” you will be able to go back into [...]